Estate Planning: 3 Reasons We Run the Other Way

Motivation, sometimes even for things we love to do, can be difficult to achieve. We all love to sit on the couch. However, motivation for estate planning may be an impossible herculean task. I grant you, it sounds like it just won’t be any fun. “All we are going to talk about is death, death, death.” And it is true, that is a topic we will cover, but trust me, death can be a lot of fun to talk about. Also, more importantly, once we finish you will feel more alive than ever. The weight lifted off your shoulders, you will leave our office enlightened, uplifted, and ready to live. What a promise- right?

In all seriousness, you want to make sure that your loved ones are protected and receive your hard-earned money and property – regardless of whether you have $10 million or $10,000.

So what is stopping you? It is usually a bit of the below:

1.     Death is not fun to talk about.  Who says? We talk about it all the time. Okay, I know discussions of death, dying, and illness makes everyone uncomfortable. But don’t let a little bit of death talk get in the way of having an organized estate that your loved ones will thank you for.


2.     Can we do it at another time? Sure, I can, but can you? One thing that I like to do with things that I do not want to do is to put them on a calendar. That calendar then calls to me constantly until I can’t stand it anymore and I get it done. Calendar Estate Planning NOW!


3.     Why is it so complicated? Yes, the law is complicated. But I promise it is not that hard, and I can talk you through it. Sometimes, we even draw pictures, and pictures are always fun. I understand that that you are uncomfortable in a world you are not familiar with.  If that is what you are thinking, you are not alone. But I am here to hold your hand and help you and your family through it. I promise you will feel great afterwards.


The truth is that estate planning is not really that bad. In fact, with our help, estate planning is easy. We will talk with you about your goals and concerns, analyze your family and financial situation, and work with you to come up with a solid plan. You provide the information, which we always keep confidential, and we will take care of everything else.

There is no better time than today to start the estate planning process. Give us a call to schedule your in-person or virtual consultation.



A Pasta Recipe and an Estate Plan.


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