Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust?
Do you want to avoid probate, minimize taxes, provide control and maintenance for you and your heirs? Then you may want to create a Trust. A trust is really just a set of instructions that direct people you have placed in charge what to do with your assets and when to do it.

Three Ways to Avoid Probate Costs
When a deceased person’s estate (all of their money and property) has to go through probate (the court-supervised process of distributing a deceased person’s money and property), it can be subject to a variety of costs stemming from attorneys, executors, appraisers, accountants, courts, and state law. Depending on the probate's complexity, fees can run into tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Dual Citizenship Estate Planning

Dual Citizenship Estate Planning
Dual Citizenship requires careful consideration in estate planning.

What to Know If Your Deceased Loved One Owned Firearms
It all begins with an idea.